Quality of life user experience improvements to SharePoint Online through the use of 301 redirects and Azure App Service

Originally posted on Lucian.Blog. Follow Lucian on Twitter, @LucianFrango.


This is the third time in the last year that I’ve had to setup a HTTP 301 redirect in Azure for a customer.Doing so improves the general quality of life experience for users accessing various Microsoft 365 services, like for example specific SharePoint Online team sites, or Exchange Online OWA.

With each implementation I turned to Azure App Service to deliver the functionality needed.… [Keep reading] “Quality of life user experience improvements to SharePoint Online through the use of 301 redirects and Azure App Service”

Deploy a Geo-redundant Web App behind an Azure Traffic manager using an ARM template.

This blog will guide you on how to deploy a Web App, App service plan in different geographical locations using Azure Traffic Manager to provide Geo redundancy.  I will discuss these concepts below and provide the necessary steps to achieve this .

We will familiarize ourselves with the terminology and the technologies which will be used in the blog to build out our solution:

  1. Azure APP Services
  2. Azure App Service plan
  3. App Service Editor
  4. Traffic Manager


1.Azure[Keep reading] “Deploy a Geo-redundant Web App behind an Azure Traffic manager using an ARM template.”