Updated: Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent

In August I posted this that detailed Automating Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations using Microsoft Identity Manager. More recently Microsoft updated the Microsoft Graph to include additional information about Azure AD B2B Guest users and I wrote this that creates HTML Reports based off these new attributes.

That information is also handy when managing the lifecyle of Azure AD B2B Users. As we do that using Microsoft Identity Manager I’ve updated my Azure AD B2B Guest Invitation Management Agent for these attributes so they can be used in the lifecycle logic.… [Keep reading] “Updated: Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent”

Azure Active Directory B2B Pending and Accepted User Reports

One of the benefits of Cloud Services is the continual enhancements that vendors provide based on feedback from their customers. One such item of feedback that Microsoft has heard often is the request to know what state a Guest user in Azure AD is in. In the last couple of days Microsoft exposed two additional attributes on the User objectClass in Azure AD;

  • externalUserState
  • externalUserStateChangeDateTime

B2B State Tweet.PNG

This means we can now query the Microsoft Graph for B2B users and understand if they have Accepted or are PendingAcceptance, and the datetime of the last change.… [Keep reading] “Azure Active Directory B2B Pending and Accepted User Reports”

Automating Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations using Microsoft Identity Manager

Update: Oct 30 '18 
Also see this post that adds support for Microsoft's updates 
to the Microsoft Graph to include additional information 
about Azure AD B2B Guest users.


Earlier this year Microsoft released the Microsoft Identity Manager Azure AD B2B Management Agent. I wrote about using it to write to Azure AD in this post here. As detailed in that post my goal was to write to Azure AD using the MA. I provided an incomplete example of doing that for Guests.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations using Microsoft Identity Manager”