Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a cloud based security service that is part of the O365 E5 offering. Also can be separately added to other O365 subscriptions. Now a lot can be learned about ATP from here. But in this post we’re going to extract data corresponding to one of ATP’s primary features; ATP Safe Attachments.

In short, ATP Safe Attachments scans documents for malicious content and can block these attachments depending on the policy configuration. More details can be learned about ATP Safe Attachments from here. Now, Safe Attachments can basically react to emails with attachments in multiple ways. It can deliver the email without an attachment, just a thumbnail that tells the user that ATP is currently scanning the attachment. Or it can delay the message until scanning is complete. Microsoft has been  improving on ATP Safe Attachments with a lot of new features like reducing message delays, support for different file formats, dynamic delivery, and previewing, etc. But what we’re interested in this post is that the delay that ATP Safe Attachments introduces if the policy was set to delay emails as sometimes the other features may cause confusion to users and would require educating the end-user if enabled.

But why is there a delay in the first place?

The way ATP Safe Attachments work is by creating a small sandbox, then it detonates / opens these attachments in that sandbox. Basically it checks what types of changes the attachment does to the sandbox and also uses machine learning to then decide if the attachment is safe or not. It is a nice feature, and it actually simulates how users open attachments when receiving them.

So how fast is this thing?

Now recently I’ve been working on a project with a customer, who wanted to test ATP Safe Attachments with the policy configured to delay messages and not deliver and scan at the same time (dynamic delivery). The question they had in mind is that how can we ensure that ATP Safe Attachments delay is acceptable (tried so hard to find an official document from Microsoft around the numbers but couldn’t). But the delay is not that big of a deal, it is about a minute or two (used to be a lot longer when ATP was first introduced). That is really fast considering the amount of work that needs to be done in the the backend for this thing to work. Still the customer wanted this measured, and I had to think of a way in doing that. So I tried to find a direct way to do this, but with all of the advanced reporting that ATP brings to the table, there isn’t one that tells you how long messages actually take to arrive to the users mailbox, if they have ATP Safe Attachments policy in place and set to delay messages.

Now let us define ‘delay‘ here. The measurement is done when messages arrive at Exchange Online, now you can have other solutions in front of O365 so that doesn’t count. So we are going to measure the time the message hits Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and ATP, until O365 delivers the message to the recipient. Also the size of the attachment(s) plays a role in the process.

The solution!

Now assuming you have the Microsoft Exchange Online Modules installed, or if you have MFA enabled, you need to authenticate in a different way (that was my case and I will show you how I did it).

First.. jump on to the Office 365 Admin Centre (assuming you’re an admin). Then navigate to the Exchange Online admin centre. From the left side, search for ‘Hybrid‘, an then click on second ‘Configure’ button (This one installs the Exchange Online PowerShell modules for users with MFA). Once the file is downloaded, click on it and let it do its magic. And once you’re in there, you should see this:

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 9.55.02 am

Connect-EXOPSSession -UserPrincipalName 

Now go through the authentication process and let PowerShell load the modules into this session. You should see the following:

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 10.00.57 am

Now this means all of the modules have been loaded into the PowerShell session. Before we do any PowerShell scripting, let us do the following:

  • Send two emails to an address that has ATP Safe Attachment policy enabled.
  • The first email is simple and has no attachments into it.
  • The second contains at least one attachment (i.e. a DOCX or PDF File).
  • Now the subject name shouldn’t matter, but for the sake of this test, try to name the subject in a way that you can tell which email contains the attachment.
  • Wait 5 minutes, why? Because ATP Safe Attachments should do some magic before releasing that email (assuming you have it turned ON and for delaying messages only).

Let us do some PowerShell scripting 🙂

Declare a variable that contains the recipient email address that has ATP Safe Attachments enabled. Then use the cmdlet (Get-MessageTrace) to fetch emails delivered to that address in the last hour.

$RecipientAddress = '';
$Messages = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $RecipientAddress -StartDate (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -EndDate (get-date) 

Expand the $Messages variable, and you should see:
Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 11.10.59 am

Here is what we are going to do next. Now I wish I can explain each line of code, but that will make this blog post too lengthy. So I’ll summarise the steps:

  • Do a For each message loop.
  • Use the ‘Get-MessageTraceDetail’ cmdlet to extract details for each message and filter out events related to ATP.
  • Create a custom object containing two main properties;
    • The recipient address (of type String)
    • The message Trace ID ( of type GUID).
  • Remove all temp variables used in this loop.
foreach($Message in $Messages)
$Message_RecipientAddress = $Message.RecipientAddress
$Message_Detail = $Message | Get-MessageTraceDetail | Where-Object -FilterScript {$PSItem.'Event' -eq "Advanced Threat Protection"} 
$Message_Detail = $Message_Detail | Select-Object -Property MessageTraceId -Unique
$Custom_Object += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered]@{'RecipientAddress'=$Message_RecipientAddress;'MessageTraceId'=$Message_Detail.'MessageTraceId'})
} #End If Message_Detail Variable 
Remove-Variable -Name MessageDetail,Message_RecipientAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} #End For Each Message  

The expected outcome is a single row.. Why? that is because we sent only two messages, one with an attachment (got captured using the above script), the other is without an attachment (doesn’t contain ATP events).

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 11.28.42 am

Just in case you want to do multiple tests, remember to empty your Custom Object before retesting, so you do not get duplicate results.

The next step is to extract details for the message in order to measure the start time and end time until it was sent to the recipient. Here’s what we are going to do:

  • Create a for each item in that custom object.
  • Run a ‘Get-MessageTraceDetail’ again to extract all of the message events. Sort the data by Date.
  • Measure the time difference between the last event and the first event.
  • Store the result into a new custom object for further processing.
  • Remove the temp variables used in the loop.
foreach($MessageTrace in $Custom_Object)
$Message = $MessageTrace | Get-MessageTraceDetail | sort Date
$Message_TimeDiff = ($Message | select -Last 1 | select Date).Date - ($Message | select -First 1 | select Date).Date
$Final_Data += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered]@{'RecipientAddress'=$MessageTrace.'RecipientAddress';'MessageTraceId'=$MessageTrace.'MessageTraceId';'TotalMinutes'="{0:N3}" -f [decimal]$Message_TimeDiff.'TotalMinutes';'TotalSeconds'="{0:N2}" -f [decimal]$Message_TimeDiff.'TotalSeconds'})
Remove-Variable -Name Message,Message_TimeDiff -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # End For each Message Trace in the custom object

 The expected output should look like:

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 11.42.25 am

So here are some tips you can use to extract more valuable data from this:

  • You can try to do this on a Distribution Group and get more users, but you need a larger foreach loop for that.
  • If your final data object has more than one result, you can use the ‘measure-object’ cmdlet to find average time for you.
  • If you have a user complaining that they are experiencing delays in receiving messages, you can use this script to extract the delay.

Just keep in mind that if you’re doing this on a large number of users, it might take some time to process all that data, so patience is needed 🙂

Happy scripting 🙂

Office 365, PowerShell, Uncategorized
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Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Does the script measure the ATP-specific delay or is it really measuring the full EOP handling time? Are the ATP steps called out as separate items in the message trace detail?

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