Office365 & Windows 10 Profile Pictures

At a customer recently, we were asked if we could provide a non-technical way of controlling profile pictures for both Office 365 and Windows 10. So straight away I thought, time for some PowerShell. I came up with the solution of having a number of shares on a server, which can be permission’d as required…

.\Source – for adding images
.\Replace – if a user wanted to change their picture
.\Remove – if a user opted out of the profile picture setup

As this was a new setup, I requested that they name the images UPN.jpg,… [Keep reading] “Office365 & Windows 10 Profile Pictures”

Office 365 Import Service via PowerShell

UPDATE 10/02/2017

Ok, so sorry everyone, I’ve been a bit slack with this one and Microsoft have made some significant changes in this space since I blogged on it. I thought it best to get this page updated so anyone who googled it would have current info!

Firstly, Microsoft have changed the BLOB they give you for the ingestion service to write once. This of course means if you don’t place things in the right location (folder for example) it’s not going anywhere!… [Keep reading] “Office 365 Import Service via PowerShell”

Programmatically interacting with Yammer via PowerShell – Part 2

In my last post I foolishly said that part 2 would be ‘coming in the next few days’. This of course didn’t happen, but I guess it’s better late than never!

In part 1 which is available here, I wrote how it was possible to post to a Yammer group via a *.ps1 using a ‘Yammer Verified Admin’ account. While this worked a treat, it soon became apparent that this approach had limited productivity rewards.… [Keep reading] “Programmatically interacting with Yammer via PowerShell – Part 2”

Programmatically interacting with Yammer via PowerShell – Part 1

For my latest project I was asked to automate some Yammer activity. I’m first to concede that I don’t have much of a Dev background, but I instantly fired up PowerShell ISE in tandem with Google only to find…well not a lot! After a couple of weeks fighting with a steep learning curve, I thought it best to blog my findings, it’s good to share ‘n all that!

    It’s worth mentioning at the outset, if you want to test this out you’ll need an E3 Office 365 Trial and a custom domain.
[Keep reading] “Programmatically interacting with Yammer via PowerShell – Part 1”