Latency, Caching and Cloud

Q: What is the one unavoidable issue when moving services to the cloud?

Security? Reliability? Ownership? Performance? Nope

A: Latency!

Physics 101

Latency is the amount of time required to communicate between one point and another and is limited by the speed of light. Using high school physics and geography:

Circumference of planet: 40,000km
Longest distance point to point: 20,000km
Speed of Light: 300,000 km/s
Send time: 66mS
Ping time (send and reply): 133mS
That is the theoretical minimum for sending a message to the other side of the planet and getting an answer.… [Keep reading] “Latency, Caching and Cloud”

SharePoint Online Web Service Authentication using WCF Client-side behaviour

With the release SharePoint in 2013 and the ever increasing numbers taking up the SharePoint Online offering, it’s a good time to start looking at some of the challenges when moving to these platforms.

SharePoint has traditionally been a presentation technology with its own unique SharePoint development model utilising SharePoint designer and custom Web Part development. With the latest release, SharePoint 2013 that development model has been challenged by a new autonomous development model where the complexities and constraints of SharePoint as a development and deployment platform has been replaced by a service oriented integration platform for multiple independently hosted applications.… [Keep reading] “SharePoint Online Web Service Authentication using WCF Client-side behaviour”